Why Duluth Pack Is Different Than All The Others
It is no secret that there are a ton of great outdoor gear products on the market today. These products come from various brands and retailers claiming to be the best in the industry. So how does Duluth Pack stand out from the rest? Simple, we ensure quality, premium products, a lifetime guarantee, and proudly handcraft all our products in America. These values are the reason why we are so successful and why Duluth Pack has stood the test of time.

First of all, we make sure to source only the highest quality materials on the market, even though it takes a great deal of time, resources, and energy. The excellent materials we use have been the backbone of our company, making our packs and bags reliable for our customers no matter the use or the conditions. They are built to last generations of hard-use and hard work. Our bags, crafted from rugged canvas and premium leathers, hold up whether you’re hitting the trails or look great for bringing to the office. Many gear company’s trade quality for quantity, not us. We ensure all the materials we use meet our high expectations – because just like you, we use these bags to get the job done.
Secondly, we build premium products using these heavy-duty materials. What do we mean by premium? We mean the best on the market, every time, all the time. To ensure our products are the best, each bag is handcrafted one at a time and signed by the craftsperson who made it. Each of our valued craftspeople personally inspects each bag and pack so that they are the best someone can purchase with their hard-earned money. Other companies use fancy machines and huge factories to pump out products. We take the necessary time to craft an excellent, premium bag. We do not make it the fastest, but we make it the best.
Because we use high-quality materials to build premium products, we are able to guarantee our manufactured products for life on craftsmanship and hardware. What does this mean? This signifies the bag you use today will work for many years from now and become a family heirloom. It cannot be stressed enough, our products last. We have had bags sent back to us over 100 years old, with a little bit of maintenance they are good as new. We guarantee the pack you purchase today will last for any adventure you take it on. If it falls within our warranty, it’s fixed for free. If it isn’t warrantied, we are still happy to work with you on repairing back your pack. We don’t just repair products, we restore memories.
Lastly, every Duluth Pack product is handcrafted in our factory right here in Duluth, Minnesota – where we have been based since 1911. Not many companies can say their products are made in America. We can and always will. Duluth Pack is the oldest canvas and leather bag and pack manufacturer in the USA. We have been handcrafting our gear the same way and continuously since 1882. We are the oldest. We are the original. We are the trailblazer. We are the one and only. After years and years of being in the bag manufacturing business, we’ve learned a thing or two about craftsmanship, and we continue to learn with each new stitch. We stand out because our bags are made in America
by hard-working Americans. With age comes an immense amount of wisdom.
Many things make us great. We know our values of quality, premium products, lifetime guarantee, and Made in the USA are fundamental in understanding what makes us different from the rest. Our company is not only built on history but value. We stand out.
To get a quality, American-made premium Duluth Pack of your own, complete with a lifetime guarantee, check out our flagship retail store in Duluth, MN, shop us online at www.duluthpack.com, or support one of our worldwide dealers.
Happy history, friends!
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