The Pack Report

Unleashing Creativity in the Wild: The Easiest Camping Crafts for Kids

Camping is not only a fantastic way to connect with nature but also a great opportunity to spark creativity in children. Engaging kids in simple, nature-inspired crafts can enhance their outdoor experience, making it both educational and entertaining. Here are some of the most creative and easiest camping crafts for kids that will keep them busy and help them appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

1. Nature Bracelets

Materials Needed:

  • Masking tape or duct tape
  • Natural items (flowers, leaves, small twigs, etc.)


  1. Wrap a piece of masking tape, sticky side out, around your child’s wrist.
  2. Let them explore the campsite to find small natural items.
  3. Stick the items onto the tape to create a beautiful nature bracelet.

This craft not only keeps kids occupied but also encourages them to observe and appreciate the different textures and colors in their surroundings.

2. Leaf Rubbing Art

Materials Needed:

  • Paper
  • Crayons
  • Leaves of various shapes and sizes


  1. Place a leaf under a sheet of paper.
  2. Use the side of a crayon to gently rub over the paper.
  3. Watch as the intricate details of the leaf appear on the paper.

Leaf rubbings are a wonderful way for kids to learn about different leaf shapes and vein patterns while creating beautiful artwork.

3. Painted Rock Creatures

Materials Needed:

  • Smooth rocks
  • Non-toxic acrylic paint
  • Brushes
  • Googly eyes (optional)


  1. Collect smooth rocks from around the campsite.
  2. Paint the rocks to look like animals, insects, or any fun creatures.
  3. Add googly eyes for a whimsical touch.

Painted rock creatures can become part of a campsite scavenger hunt or a fun storytelling session.

4. Pinecone Bird Feeders

Materials Needed:

  • Pinecones
  • Peanut butter (or a non-nut alternative like sunflower seed butter)
  • Birdseed
  • String


  1. Spread peanut butter over the pinecone.
  2. Roll the pinecone in birdseed until it’s well-covered.
  3. Tie a string around the top of the pinecone and hang it from a tree branch.

These bird feeders not only engage kids in a craft but also teach them about local wildlife and the importance of taking care of nature.

5. Nature Collages

Materials Needed:

  • Paper or cardboard
  • Glue
  • Natural items (leaves, flowers, small stones, twigs, etc.)


  1. Explore the campsite to gather a variety of natural items.
  2. Arrange and glue these items onto the paper or cardboard to create a nature-inspired collage.

Nature collages are an excellent way for children to express their creativity while developing fine motor skills and a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

6. Stick Weaving

Materials Needed:

  • Y-shaped sticks
  • Yarn or string


  1. Find a sturdy, Y-shaped stick.
  2. Tie one end of the yarn to the bottom of the Y.
  3. Weave the yarn back and forth across the Y, creating a pattern.

Stick weaving is a simple, mess-free craft that helps kids practice hand-eye coordination and patience.

7. Sun Prints

Materials Needed:

  • Sunprint paper (or construction paper)
  • Natural objects (leaves, flowers, feathers, etc.)
  • A sunny spot


  1. Place the sunprint paper in a sunny spot.
  2. Arrange natural objects on the paper.
  3. Leave it in the sun for a few minutes, then remove the objects.

Sun prints create beautiful, ghostly images of natural objects and introduce kids to basic principles of photography and chemistry.

8. Nature Journals

Materials Needed:

  • Small notebooks or homemade paper booklets
  • Pencils, crayons, or markers
  • Natural items for decoration


  1. Encourage kids to decorate their journals with natural items they find.
  2. Use the journal to record observations, draw pictures, or press small flowers and leaves.

Nature journals help kids practice writing and drawing skills while fostering a sense of curiosity and observation about their environment.

Camping crafts are a fantastic way to engage children with their surroundings, helping them develop a love for nature and a creative mindset. These easy and creative activities are not only fun but also educational, making your camping trip a memorable adventure for the whole family. So next time you head to the great outdoors, bring along a few basic supplies and watch as your kids’ imaginations run wild. In addition, we recommend the top-rated Loon Tunes. It’s the call of the wild and sounds exactly like the Minnesota state bird! 

Happy adventuring, friends!

Happy Adventures - Duluth Pack

Disclaimer: Always supervise kids in the outdoors and make sure they are handling safe materials and doing so safely!