Duluth Pack has been proudly and continuously Made in the USA in Duluth, MN since the company began in 1882. They have been handcrafting premium quality canvas and leather packs for over 140 years. Duluth Pack proudly makes outdoor and lifestyle packs in the USA and takes pride in being a true and iconic American heritage brand.
In honor of Memorial Day and on behalf of the entire Duluth Pack family, we wish to thank those who have served our wonderful country. To those no longer with us, you represent the best of our nation, and we thank you and your families for the ultimate sacrifice to provide us freedom.

The History of Memorial Day
Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and was founded to honor and commemorate the fallen soldiers who died in service to our country. This day was first observed on May 30, 1868, to honor Civil War soldiers from both sides of the Civil War. During the First National Commemoration of Decoration Day, the former Union General and sitting Ohio Congressman, James Garfield made a speech stating:
“We do not know one promise these men made, one pledge they gave, one word they spoke; but we do know they summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of country, they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.”
After this speech concluded 5,000 people decorated the graves of over 20,000 fallen soldiers who were buried in the Arlington National Cemetery. Since the first Memorial Day, Congress officially declared the last Monday of May to be a holiday in 1971 to remember those who have died in service for their country. To this day, Memorial Day is commemorated at the Arlington National Cemetery where an American Flag is placed on each grave and traditionally the President or Vice President will lay a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Memorial Day Activities & Events to Honor Those Who Died
While this long weekend is a sign of the start of summer to many, it is meant as a day of remembrance. For our military families, it can be a sorrowful day to commemorate fallen loved ones. Memorial Day is a day for remembering the sacrifices our service professionals have made. If you are looking for a way to pay your respects to those who have fallen while in military service, here are recommendations.
- Visit cemeteries and memorials.
- Attend Memorial Day ceremonies.
- Volunteer to place an American Flag on each grave in national cemeteries.
- Observe a minute of silence at 3:00 PM, local time.
- Attend a Memorial Day parade, festival, fair, or concert.
- Run for charity on Memorial Day weekend.
- Volunteer to support events such as the National Memorial Day Parade.
- Donate to veterans and military support groups.
- Wear Blue.

What is the Difference Between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?
Both Memorial Day and Veterans Day are national holidays that were created the recognize the men and women who have bravely served our country, but they are not the same. Memorial Day was created to specifically honor the men and women who have died while in service to our country. This includes all who have died in service, although many highlight the soldiers who have died while in battle. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance and reflection and is not about our current military, but the ones that we have lost. Veterans Day, on the other hand, was originally called Armistice Day and was celebrated in 1918 when the Allied Nations and Germany had declared a cessation of hostilities or an armistice during World War One. In 1919 the first Armistice Day was celebrated and in 1938 Armistice Day, now known as Veterans Day, became a United States national holiday. Veterans Day is a day to honor all the men and women both living and dead who have served in our military. This holiday is especially for honoring the living veterans who are still with us for the service they have provided to our country.
Duluth Pack proudly offers a discount in our flagship retail store to all military and service individuals with a valid ID. It is the least we can do for all that our service professionals have done and do. You may also call our customer service team at 218-722-3898 and receive a military discount on your online purchases at DuluthPack.com. Thank you for supporting our proud heritage of being the oldest canvas and leather bag and pack manufacturer in the United States of America.
Thank you to our service professionals for all that you do for our country.
Our Deepest Gratitude,
Tom Sega, President and CEO, Mark Oestreich, CFO & the entire Duluth Pack family.
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