Every year on the first weekend of September in the United States, Labor Day is celebrated. This holiday has been long celebrated and to many people signifies the end of summer. Many use this long weekend to grill out with friends and family before the busy holiday season begins. Some businesses celebrate Labor Day with an annual Labor Day Sale. This year you can shop Duluth Pack’s own Labor Day sale right before back to school! Now you may be asking some questions like, what is Labor Day and why do we still celebrate it? To help answer these questions Duluth Pack has gathered some of the history behind Labor Day. This way you can better understand why it is still celebrated today as a national holiday.
What is Labor Day
In 2022, Labor Day will take place on Monday, September 5th. This day changes yearly as the holiday is celebrated on the first Monday of September. Labor Day was originally celebrated in 1882 and became a recognized national holiday in 1894. The labor movement created this holiday in the 19th century. The Central Labor Union held the first celebration of this holiday. This celebration occurred on September 5, 1882, when 10,000 workers took unpaid time to march in New York City. These 10,000 individuals marched from City Hall to Union Square. They are credited for holding the first Labor Day parade in United States history.
Labor Day pays tribute to America’s workforce and the contributions that they have made to the United States economy and way of life. The Labor Unions in the 19th Century worked diligently to raise the standard of living of the American worker. The Labor unions created a labor force that was not exploited and was instead a valued piece of the American economy.

When did Labor Day become a National Federal Holiday
Labor Day was first celebrated in 1882 and by 1893 28 states celebrated this day as a holiday. Twelve years after its first celebration, President Grover Cleveland signed Labor Day into law. This law made the first Monday in September of each year a national holiday to celebrate Labor Day.
Why do we still celebrate Labor Day

Labor Day commemorates the American workforce. It also celebrates the improvements that have been made to advance the work life of American citizens. Many people feel it is important to celebrate Labor Day. This holiday is to pay tribute to those who brought so much strength, freedom, and leadership to America – the American worker.
How Can You Celebrate Labor Day
Depending on where you live there are a variety of ways to celebrate Labor Day. some cities have large parades, fireworks, and other public gatherings. Many people also celebrate this day with picnics, barbeques, and gatherings with friends and family. Many businesses now offer promotions and sales to celebrate Labor Day as well, including Duluth Pack.
This year you can celebrate Duluth Pack’s Labor Day Sale with up to 50% off select Duluth Pack products. You can find great additional savings on select products like duffels, apparel, and clearance! This sale will only go from September 1st– 6th so you won’t want to miss out.
From all your friends at Duluth Pack, happy Labor Day!
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