Our second Chapter Chats book is, You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero. This book is the motivation you have been looking for; You Are a Badass encompasses the everyday struggles of becoming the person you aspire to be and helps you bridge the gaps between your intentions and goals. It does this by giving you all the tools and self-practices to make your dreams a reality.
Author Jen Sincero intentionally wrote the chapters to be short, sweet, and to the point. There are no filler chapters in this book. Each chapter helps you identify why you are the way that you are and why you do the things that you do. They’ll have you shaking your head yes in approval, with thoughts like “this is me” or “this is the advice I have been looking for”.
“If you want to live a life you’ve never lived, you have to do things you’ve never done.” – Jen Sincero, New York Times bestselling author of You Are a Badass.
Jen Sincero created this inspirational book off of her own real-world experiences, struggles, and personal journey. A few years back, she was not completely satisfied with her life. Even though she had a great family, was an established author, and had enough friends to go around, she kept asking herself, “Is this the best I can do?”. This realization led her to a self-improvement journey, where she poured herself over a variety of books and courses looking for answers. Finally, she had a revelation and decided to compress all her self-improvement wisdom, creating her #1 New York Times Bestseller, You Are a Badass. This book is segmented into five distinct steps that are guaranteed to help you on your way to self-actualization. These steps focus on figuring out how you got the way you are, how to embrace your inner self, how to tap into the motherlode, how to get over the small stuff, and how to knock all of these concepts out of the park. Are you ready to be yourself and get the most out of your potential? Unleash your authentic self and get reading today.
“You are a Badass helped me identify the current roadblocks in my journey and how to address each individually. From the techniques offered by Jen Sincero, I feel more confident in my actions and know when to trust my inner-authentic self when it comes to significant life decisions.” – Abbie, Duluth Pack Marketing Intern
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We encourage you to reflect on your feelings surrounding your initial thoughts about this book. Before reading this piece of literature, we invite you to ask yourself the following discussion questions.
- What do you think of the title?
- What are your first impressions on the book based on the summary we provided?
- Based on what you know about the book so far, what is one thing you are most excited to learn about from this book?
You Are a Badass motivated our team to take charge of our lives, and hopefully, if you read it it’ll motivate you too. We hope you join us next time for our Chapter Chats check-in! If you have any recommendations for good reads that we can add to the Duluth Pack Book Club reader’s list, or you would like to share your thoughts on this selection with us, give us a shout at [email protected]
Happy reading, friends!

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