Introducing the Duluth Pack Book Club.
Welcome to Chapter Chats.
What a better way to relax than snuggling up and diving into an intriguing book? There is nothing like getting lost in a story that makes you feel engaged, captivated, and eager to see the conclusion unfold. Our customers asked and raved about the idea of a book club and Duluth Pack has responded. We are excited to announce the launch of our very own Duluth Pack Book Club called Chapter Chats. Duluth Pack is excited to watch our community and customers connect, mingle, and bond through a different light. Reading alone is an enjoyable activity that allows the mind to wander, process, and imagine, but reading together creates a sense of interconnectivity and provokes discussion amongst us and our community.
The Duluth Pack Book Club will include good reads from various genres, authors, and themes that everyone will find of interest. Each month, we will create a blog post around the concept of ‘chapter chats’ and will highlight one book from each of the categories that we recommend you, your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to read and engage with. Duluth Pack will post a series of discussion questions, specifically for each new read, that will encourage conversation about the book. We advocate for discussion with one another about the book itself, along with the experience you felt while reading the story while reflecting upon your own life’s adventure.
Continue to watch out for the release and debut of #ChapterChats coming later this summer. We hope you are as excited as Duluth Pack is for this new adventure we can attain together. If you have any recommendations for good reads that we can add to the Duluth Pack Book Club reader’s list, give us a shout at [email protected]
Until then, happy reading, friends!

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